About Me

Hey, I'm Heather

My name is Heather Peterson. I was born, raised, and currently reside in Northern Utah. I’m happily married to the love of my life with 5 amazing kids. My discovery into the Mind Body world never intended to help myself or anyone else; but to help my husband who was desperately trying to discover the secret behind his own pain.


He had been suffering with chronic back pain for many years and gotten to the point where his day to day life was greatly impacted by his pain. We both desperately tried every doctor we could think of to help him figure out what was causing his pain only to be disappointed time and time again that “everything was normal” or “inconclusive”. To watch my “perfectly healthy” husband be brought to tears over his pain, pained me, as I couldn’t help him either. It was incredibly painful to watch someone I love so much suffer. It was hard to keep a positive perspective. It was hard to keep his spirits up. It was hard to be a family. It was even affecting our marriage as he was heavy with guilt that he was not the man he wanted to be so it was easier to shut everyone out and be in pain alone. It was a very emotional time which I would not wish upon anyone.

In April of 2015, I had the opportunity to attend a seminar in Las Vegas about how we are effected as a society by stress. It was eye opening for me and also the beginning of a new chapter of our life. That very afternoon I began my research into the Mind Body World. As all my friends lay poolside, laughing and enjoying their vacation, I scoured the internet in search of an answer that could help him. I stumbled upon a book called Healing Back Pain by Dr Sarno and read almost every review on how it had helped others heal their own back pain. I’m still not sure why, but at that moment I knew without a shadow of a doubt that it would also cure his.


I believe God led me to that seminar, which led me to thinking outside of Western medicine, which led me to that book. I ordered it and told him. I never read it before he did, but every night while he read, I held onto hope. I desperately wanted my husband back, and somehow I knew he could beat it.


Long story short, he read and reread that book. He was skeptical at first but after figuring out he could get better, he did! And then I read the book and learned it wasn’t just about back pain; it was about how the stresses of life can impact your health in all aspects which include but are not limited to pain, fatigue, migraines, bloody noses, stomach issues, heartburn, reflux, allergies, anxiety, autoimmune diseases, depression, eczema, ear problems, rashes, thyroid problems, female reproductive issue, nerves, etc. The list goes on and on and if you can name it, it is caused by stress on a conscious or unconscious level. We are all dealing with it.


No one is immune because we are all human!


We all have feelings. We are all predisposed to feel or think a certain way about everything that happens to us. I’ve spent the last several years on a deep search of how to beat these very things myself. I’ve recovered from chronic fatigue, depression and anxiety (no longer on antidepressants), ovarian cysts, migraines, hypothyroidism (no longer a condition for me and no longer medicated), vertigo which was extreme and left me unable to function normally. I came to learn that all of these things are beatable if you have the right tools. I should know since I beat them all. I’m dedicating my life to helping those struggling with these things because they can overcome them. Its doable. So let’s do it.

a bit about me

Heather Peterson, owner and founder of Pain Free For Good, began her search for the truth in 2010 while desperately trying to find the answers to help her husband recover from chronic pain. While on her search for answers, she also healed herself and has continued to help countless others trying to cross the river of pain. As a Mindbody Healer and Coach, she is passionate about helping women discover the truth in order to overcome physical and emotional pain.
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Do you want to know how to be Pain Free For Good?

Send me an email and I'll help you get started! Painfreeforgood7@gmail.com
friendslet's be


The content of this site is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any medical condition, nor be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you have read on this site.